Fan of the Quarter: Q2 2013
The Prize for this Quarter is...It's time to change things up for this quarter, with the winner receiving a $5 Amazon gift card (or £GBP equivalent) or a copy of Christmas is Cancelled.
And the FOTQ winner is...Prize draw will take place after 1 July 2013, with the winner drawn using RandomPicker.
Winner to be announced on website and on Facebook. Terms & Conditions Fans of the Week winners for Q1 were...7 April 2013: Valerie Hazelton Murphy
14 April 2013: Sammi Kendall-Fletcher 21 April 2013: Sally Max 28 April 2013: Siren Allen 5 May 2013: Debbie Jones 12 May 2013: Julie Pope 19 May 2013: Sara Kelly 26 May 2013: Julie Pope 2 June 2013: Aimee Horton 9 June 2013: Diana Sweeney 16 June 2013: Saralyn Miller 23 June 2013: Fiona Wilson 30 June 2013: Helen Phifer |